Sunday, November 27, 2011


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for! We had my family over to our house for Thanksgiving, the same as last year. I think it might be a new tradition to do Thanksgiving here and I love it! It was Kevin and me, my mom and dad, two grandmothers, my aunt and my uncle. There are no other kids so Jackson and Emmy get all the attention and they love it. The food was delicious and it was nice to visit with family.

On the last day of school, before Thanksgiving break, I picked Jackson up and he was dressed like an Indian. He has loved wearing his "Big Buffalo" outfit and he even learned an Indian song that he sang several times. It is so cute. In part of the song he sings, "shoot the arrow" which he is demonstrating below:

And Emmy was so cute in her turkey dress!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

9 Months

Emmy is nine months today. We had a very good checkup today and I was so relieved to see that her weight is still "within average range". Not that I didn't think she was healthy- she still has baby rolls- but sometimes she still struggles with her bottle. She's never loved her bottle and sometimes just eats the bare minimum to get by. But she loves her baby food! So here's the stats:

Weight: 18 pounds 15 ounces (50th%)
Height: 27 3/4 inches (60th%)

This week I have noticed a huge jump in her food intake. Suddenly she wants a whole lot more baby food and we have just started giving her table food (besides puffs). I've given her banana, which she loves and some bread, which she spits out.

Emmy has currently met all her developmental milestones so it was a good checkup and there wasn't too much to discuss with the doctor.

She's so excited about finding big brother's shoe:

Sunday, November 13, 2011

In Action

I am home with Emmy on a Sunday morning because she is sick. She has had the stomach bug all weekend. I heard it was going around. Hopefully the rest of us will stay well. Kevin and Jackson are at church and the house is quiet so I thought I would blog.

In the past and in the present whenever anyone has commented on who Jackson looks like it has always been unanimous- he looks just like Kevin! When it comes to Emmy there seems to be lots of opinions. Some say she looks like Kevin, some say she looks like me, a few people have even said she looks like my mom but a lot of people say she looks like Jackson. Some of her baby pictures look very similar to mine. I think she got a little of everyone in her. :)

I took some action shots of Emmy. She's still in her pajamas and her hair hasn't been brushed yet but she loves to stand up and play with her toy:

She also loves Pooh Bear. When she has something she really likes she will bury her face in it. It's really funny.

She loves a good game of pee-pie and especially likes it when we put a blanket over her face and then she pulls it off.

And she is crawling everywhere!

Some other fun things: She responds consistently to her name. She has started doing some waving. It isn't consistent yet but she definitely does it at appropriate times. She pulls up on everything! She has started "dancing" (moving her body up and down) when she hears music. She enjoys playing with her toys but mostly likes to find things that are new: the remote, my phone, a magazine, tupperware, etc. This is a really fun age!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Update on Emmy

About two weeks ago, I guess right around the time Emmy turned eight months, I put her down for her nap one day and a few minutes later I heard her in her room laughing and playing. This has NEVER happened as she always goes straight to sleep. I peeked into her room and she was SITTING UP in her bed and trying to PULL UP on the rails! Now, she's been sitting for awhile but I had never seen her go from lying completely flat to sitting up all on her own. Needless to say for the next few days she did not get good naps as she was "practicing" her new skills. She also quickly learned how to pull up to standing in her bed and so we lowered her mattress. Always a big milestone! :)

Everyday Emmy gets a little bit closer to crawling. She's been getting around using her two hands, one knee and one foot. Not quite a crawl but she managed to get where she wanted to go. But today was the breakthrough! She officially crawled across the room on both her hands and knees. I was very excited for her and she was excited to reach her destination on her own! Oh, this girl is growing up too fast!

Her two top teeth are still coming in. I don't think they are causing much pain but I think they are bothering her as she has continued to bite and gnaw on her bottom lip and now she has a raw spot above her chin.

And although this is an Emmy update I can't leave out my Jackson. He is going through a big transition as well- a transition that may last a few weeks or several months or maybe even a year. He isn't consistently taking a nap everyday. He doesn't even take a nap on most days. He will sometimes nap on the days he goes to school but only once in awhile takes a nap at home. "Nap time" is now "rest time".

It's been a hard transition for all of us as he gets very tired and cranky in the evening. For now we have pushed his bedtime to 6:30. Emmy still goes to bed at 6:30 as well. It's actually kind of nice having a little extra down time at night. We'll see how it goes...

And thanks to Brittani Bailey for the beautiful pictures!