Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spring is coming!

We are really enjoying the Spring like weather. We've been playing outside a lot! Jackson likes to dig in the dirt and Emmy likes to do whatever Jackson is doing. Needless to say we've been taking a lot of baths around here. Kevin is working on a patio for our backyard and Jackson loves to help. Emmy got her first pair of tennis shoes as her Robeez couldn't keep up with all the places she wanted to go- dirt, rocks, pavement... She is really on the move these days and has even started trying to run on occasion.

Both kids are loving the Cozy Coupe and constantly fight over it. I finally put them both in it at the same time and neither one were thrilled about that:

Jackson was so excited to find these flowers. Spring is coming!!!

In other news, Emmy is 100% off of baby food and has been for almost a week now. I'm thrilled not to have to give her baby food and it's nice that she can now feed herself. Since she was rejecting table foods for so long I was afraid that she was going to be a picky eater but I'm so glad that she isn't. She will basically try whatever I put on her plate.

Also, Emmy recently had her first ear infection. I can't believe she made it through her first year of life without one. That's a huge blessing considering what we went through with Jackson.

I could take pictures of these faces all day long!!!

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